• Current About Yourself
  • Your institution
  • Leadership Questions
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About Yourself

1. Your institution
2. Gender
2. Gender [Enter your Gender]
3. Age

Your institution

8. When observed at a glance, can you say that there are more women in leadership – (academic and administrative positions) in your university today, compared to the last 10 years?
10. If you answered YES, please answer the following: Are women leaders more noticeable in senior positions in:
12. Is this change peculiar to your university or a noticeable trend across other universities in your country?

Leadership Questions

13. Have you ever worked at any university other than this university?
14. What positions have you served in over the course of your university career (multiple responses allowed)
Academic Roles
Administrative Roles
Research Roles
16. Select your current position(s)?
Academic Roles
Administrative Roles
Research Roles
17. Which of these leadership positions would you like to occupy if given the opportunity?
18. Why were you appointed to your current position?
19. Did you face any challenges when you applied for your current post?
20. After your appointment have you faced any challenges so far?
21. What challenges have you faced?
21. What challenges have you faced?
22. How long have you been serving in your current position?
23. Does the university have policies and structures that accommodate and encourage/facilitate females’ participation in leadership positions?
24. The university policies on promotion accommodate the participation of females in top leadership positions.
Note: 1 = Strongly Agree, 2 = Agree, 3 = Neutral/Undecided, 4 = Disagree, and 5 = Strongly Disagree
a. The university promotion system is in favour of men
b. Most women fail to have the educational qualifications for university promotion
c. Family responsibilities affect the participation of women in leadership positions
d. Women feel intimidated to take up leadership positions
e. Women fail to take leadership roles due to religious and other cultural practices
f. Women are discriminated against taking up leadership positions
g. Women are discriminated against once they are in leadership positions
a. Universities play a role in the promotion of gender equality in society
b. Universities provide technical knowledge and skills for women to be in leadership roles
c. Universities facilitate future women leaders through career training and development
d. Universities have affirmative action in the recruitment of females students in various disciplines
e. Universities promote/support women’s participation in students and staff unions leadership
a. Women leaders have the potential to improve organizational performance
b. Women leaders tend to be focused and committed to the job more than male leaders
c. Women leaders have strong leadership characteristics that can drive change and development in societies
d. The involvement of women in top leadership improves diversity and leadership effectiveness in organizations
e. Women have a right to equal opportunity in leadership positions
30. Do you think women are given the same opportunity as men to participate in leadership roles in universities?
34. Are you familiar with the appointments and promotions system of your institution?
35. Does it work in favour of women?
36. What can enhance women’s leadership roles in universities?
38. Would you enrol on a leadership training programme if you had access to one?
39. If you are part of the university leadership, have you experienced challenges of exercising your position because of your gender identity?
40. Are there other identities that have influenced your ability to access leadership positions?